When smoking becomes part of your daily life, whether it's regularly or occasionally when you go out, there sometimes comes a time when you want to stop this habit. Many people turn to hypnosis to quit smoking more easily.
Cigarette: Enemy and Friend
The decision to quit smoking is an essential part of New Year's resolutions and one of the most effective way to improve health. But why do we continue with a habit we no longer want?
It is well known today that cigarettes damage your health, turn your teeth yellow, stain your fingers, make you cough, not to mention the smell of cold tobacco and the financial investment. And yet, this knowledge is not enough to ensure the success of quitting.
First there is the habit of nicotine, but the symptoms when you stop only last a few days. Then comes the need to change your habits, added to the stress and that is when the return to tobacco occurs insidiously.
When my clients come to me to quit smoking, they have often already quit on their own, once or several times. It is said that every time a person quits smoking, even if they start again, they solve one of the reasons why they started. But old habits die hard.
We all have compensation mechanisms, more or less healthy. If one continues a behavior, it means that one is getting something positif or needed out of it. This is the reason why many of my clients sometimes talk about cigarettes in a positive way, even though they no longer want them in their lives.
What if it was possible to keep the positive side of cigarettes while quitting smoking?
The 2 main ingredients to successfully quit smoking
· First of all, you have to find personal motivation.
It cannot come from the outside, even from the people who love you the most or as a advise from your doctor. The decision must come from within. The most common reasons for this are to improve health or recover physical and sporting abilities, self-esteem, the desire to free oneself from a habit that makes one addicted, etc. You must have decided to stop in order to find the motivation to do your best, because you are alone in your daily actions, when the opportunities to smoke arise.
· Consider the context and needs of each person.
When the patterns that helped us in the past are no longer adequate today, it is time to change them. It is imperative to put in place methods that allow us not to compensate with something else such as food, alcohol, or even purchases. Often relapses occur when we did not consider the needs that the cigarette filled, or we did not put in place complementary strategies such as stress management in certain situations.
Getting support allows you to approach the situation differently than you would on your own, and provides the support needed to stop smoking and then maintain staying a non-smoker over time.
Quit Smoking with Hypnosis and Other Tools
As a hypnotherapist, my task is to support you by continually adapting to your needs.
For example, if smoking helps reduce one's stress, it will be necessary to develop stress management tools. Each person being unique, every session will be as well!
In general, my clients stop smoking in 1 to 4 sessions. And together we work with hypnosis, and sometimes self-hypnosis, meditation, breathing exercises and tailor-made strategies.
So if you have decided to quit smoking, please don't hesitate to contact me, I will be happy to help you!
Laura Tchernin
Hypnotherapist based in Geneva